The Beliefs of John Robert Stevens


John Robert Stevens believed that women have a great place of ministry in the Body of Christ, and are often more dedicated than the men. Stevens stated:

Dear sisters, you’re more than equal now. Many of the men have to strive to catch up with you. The wholesome purity and dedication of the women of the church have been an inspiration to the men.1

He believed that women in the New Testament times were not as restricted as many might think. Galatians 3:28 makes this clear: “…there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

Stevens taught that the only limitation on women ministering in the Church is the same limitation placed on the men, which is submission to divine order. While Paul tells the women to submit to their husbands, this is no different than telling the men to submit to the pastors and elders who are in authority over them. Stevens taught that husbands should not consider their wives inferior, but should recognize the gifts the Lord has given them, and should cover and support their ministry. Many have misunderstood or misapplied the concept of a woman’s submission, and have suppressed the women’s ministry. When a woman properly submits to divine order she can move in any of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and function in any of the five-fold ministries.

In I Timothy 2:15, Paul writes that women will be saved through the bearing of children. Stevens interpreted this in a spiritual light, as a spiritual mother brings spiritual sons to birth. This is one of the greatest ministries for a woman of God, and it signifies that women have a special place in birthing and releasing men into their ministry (Genesis 3:15; Revelation 12:1-5). Stevens used Samuel’s mother, Hannah, as an example of this principle:

By making a little linen ephod, Hannah showed that she was believing that this little boy would be a priest of God. She had faith for him. She made it large enough so that he could grow into it. …With faith in her heart, she was giving birth to her vision.2


1. Stevens, John Robert: “A Picture of a Mother in This Walk”, This Week, May 14, 1972, p. 7: Copyright © 1972 by The Living Word.*

2. Stevens, John Robert: “The Famine for the Word”, The Word, p. 25: Copyright © 1977 by John Robert Stevens & The Living Word.*


Stevens, John Robert: “Daughters of Zion—Women’s Place and Ministry”, Walking Together: John Robert Stevens, 1973. 97042501R

Stevens, John Robert: “The New Kingdom Woman”, This Week, May 8, 1977: John Robert Stevens, 1977. 77040701R

Stevens, John Robert: “God’s Commissions Reveal His Intentions”, This Week, November 4, 1979: The Living Word, 1979. 79081407R

Stevens, John Robert: “…Has Been Judged” This Week, Vol. XIV, No. 20: The Living Word, 1983. L8TW83XIV-20

The term woman appears 918 times in Stevens’ written materials.